The story of how Red Bull went from a local energy drink to become one of the most well known and well marketed brand is remarkable. You can call this a positive turn out from a clash of cultures, between Asian and European. Asian provides the substance, European provides the kick. Now, every event that carries the name “Red Bull” name literally means energy, energy that goes beyond caffeine, but culture.
So naturally when I heard about the “Red Bull Soap Box Derby” race, I knew it was going to be extreme, and extreme it was!
I didn’t really know what to expect. Was it just going to be crazy people doing crazy stuffs, or bored people watching bored people doing crazy stuffs? Well, it was more than crazy. It was crazy with meaning, just like wings with substance. It turned out to be humor on what people care about, especially with the economic status, it was a channel of positive vent and most evident with “Team Stimulus”. The locals also took stage with topics that Atlanta residents are familiar with, like the homeless veteran in the MARTA team and Varsity team. There was also Mr.Hanky in the mix and a couple of dudes in drag. A lot of WTF moments.
It was crowded, as expected, and it was really hard to get a spot to see the craziness roll down the ramp. I eventually found a spot by the fence for photo opportunities, but it was about ¾ ways down the long stretch of runway and the truth was, most of the crazy-on-wheels don’t even make it that far. It was mostly the drivers completing the final stretch on foot, in the most heroic style they can manage and the most memorial way the spectators can absorb. For it, it was just a hot day of madness. I didn’t know why I did it, but the free Red Bulls actually tasted alright, and the Red Bull girls provided enough motivation to stay on till the last derby run.