What was that? 26 miles of butt numbing goodness.
I can chill here all day with a fishing pole, even if I catch nothing at all. It's not really the fish that matters, it's the feeling that "I've gone fishing".
Some gator along the way.
Baby gators. The good thing about seeing baby gators like these is, they are pretty much on their own, means no angry mama gator to watch out for.
Tons of catfish skeletons around the dried portion of the water bed. Looks like someone had a feast!
Water control gates to control the water flow between different water catchment areas, also allows fish to swim from one area to the other.
All kinds of birds chilling.
First time seeing a complete turtle shell, all white! Should have taken it home to make it into a helmet.
Florida is kinda special. It's like the tropical version of Alaska(I've never been there before) in the sense that a large portion of it is protected. It has an amazing wealth of wildlife and relatively easy access to appreciate them. The Everglades was a swamp land.... no, more accurately, it's a giant VERY SLOW glowing river. Humans filled the river and started to live on it. Sounds weird right? It is. So to control the rise and fall of the waters, and to protect the remaining fragile land, Florida built super long levees around the wet lands. The very good thing is, you don't need to be some scientist or hunter to access the great "middleofnowhereness". You can just hike or bike on the levee!
Endless trail on the levee.
Only half way there!
Airboat rides here!
Some bird that figured out that he's better off waiting for some human to feed him instead of catching his own fish. Humans think it's cute, so it worked out for the bird.
It's kinda funny how people outside of Florida react to me going to the wildlife reserves and poke around the animals with my camera lens.
" Aren't there alligators running around?"
Sure! So what's the problem?
Most people are so removed from the nature and wildlife that they see is as "unnatural" when they now live so close to them. Being in Florida, it's not hard to find people who appreciate the wildlife. It's like a heaven for them here. I am not exactly hardcore on knowing every species of birds or waiting in the bushes to see turtles mate, but I love to get out there and watch them in their natural environment, doing they things they do as a natural part of their lives.
Unbelievably Redneck!!!
Thinking from this perspective, 26 miles seems like a good treat. A 4-hour casual ride where everything between the start and finish line is yours to grasp. Also, unlike watching a basketball game, I actually felt that I did something! Weird huh?
Oh, and I made a couple of mini planets along the way.
At the end of it, there are tribes of cute little puppies waiting for our victorious return. Stop humping my leg damnit!