Oh wait, I had escargo for lunch. What's escargo? It's snail!
I didn't have much appetite to begin with but chose snails to be my lunch. Well, the snail itself isn't too bad. It tasted just like some seafood we have in Taiwan. My problem was with the cream it was in. It was too strong.
Anyways, I went to La Defense to see the new Arc as I was told that it's worth seeing.
So I made it through the doggy poos and to the metro station, took the yellow line ALL THE WAY to the end, which was actually only 7 min ride. I arrived at La Defense, which is a new business district.
It's a big contrast from Paris. Here, it's spacious. The buildings are modern with steel and glass, and most of them are tall, sky scraper-like.
Then I realized that I didn't get off at the right station. I got off at one too early, so I walked my way to find the new arc. Along the way were some interesting structures and a sculpture. Here's a steel bean, cut/sliced with a sprout emerging from the pod, which is especially fitting among the tall and strong forest of sky scrapers.
Then here's another cylinder structure made with colored pipes. I think it's some kind of infrastructure housing, but I can't tell what it is.
One of the things that caught my attention was the amount of people taking a cigarette break. There must be at least hundreds of them. Just imagine the number of billable hours that the companies are losing, makes me wonder why the French prime minister is trying to be so tough this time.
And finally, the arc!!!
The new arc is much bigger than the Arc of Triumph. It itself is an office building, with a long flight of stairs to its center and structured elevators exposed.
That night, we had a little crazy time in this fancy sushi place on Champs Elysee. Sorry, can't show the photos and videos of the dinner, but as we walked out of the restaurant, Champs Elysee lit up for us.
The next day was going to be rather intensive, so we went back to the hotel while the staffs had more meetings to attend.
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