In the morning, I wake up at around 6.40am to make breakfast, which consists of hash browns, bread and an egg. Sometimes I will bite a fruit too. Never before am I used to eating so much in the morning. I've been a nocturnal for too long. Even now, it's hard for me to get into the working mode in the morning.
Anyways, I leave at around 7.50am since the office is really close. So here I start.
Car pulling out to the quiet neigbhourhood street:
To the side road:
And waiting to get onto the main road:
There's always constructions:
and on and on:
And driving by the Whirlpool HQ main entrance:
into the side entrance:
pulling into the parking lot:
and there's my ordinary looking American corporate office:
Since I signed the confidential agreement form, I can't release any detail about what goes on at work....
Then it's time to go home. This is actually my favourite part of the day, dinner time. Here in the summer, the sun sets at around 9.30~10pm, so I can have a rather late dinner and still enjoy the sunset. I typically go cycling or whatever there is to do, and start cooking at 8pm, then bring my dinner to the deck, under the blue cloudless sky, accompanied by the warm sunset and light breeze.... pls don't get jealous, all of this is just a DREAM remember!
Remember, it's not real! It's not real! The American Dream is not real!
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