So where did I go during these precious days of freedom? Well, air travel is out of the question since it will be too expensive and congested. It's hard to drive to any where because being in South Florida, it will take about 6 hours just to get out of the state by car. Well, I had no choice since I don't have a boat, but to travel on my set of wheels.
It's winter, supposedly. While the rest of the world flocks down south to catch some warmth, I went in search of the thing that I missed for 2 years. Snow!
Actually, I didn't anticipate snow since I chose to drive to Atlanta. I miss Atlanta. I miss the mountains, the trees, the mt biking trails, the creeks, the food and of course, the people. Having only spent a year in Atlanta, I have retained many friends who stayed local despite the bad times. Also, I found out, after I left Atlanta, that a college classmate of mine actually lives in Atlanta all this while, in the same freaking town!!! So I had more friends than I knew.
So it's mainly catching up with the not so old times. It's a weird feeling being back at Atlanta. Driving on I285, I felt that I never left. Everything is still so fresh, like I was just there yesterday. Some shops closed while new ones opened, but I made my ways around the city like a local, or so I hoped. At the end of the trip, leaving is the hard thing to do. It felt like leaving for a long trip, a trip that may not bring me back again. Who knows, may be I'll get to come back soon.
Living in the same house as I used to, thanks to my kind landlords.
Never thought my car will live to see another day of snow!!! It's white Christmas in Atlanta!
So what did I do while in Atlanta?
One big reason why I decided to revisit Atlanta is due to severe mountain deficiency. It's an illness that is a result of the hopeless flatness of South Florida. Atlanta was my cure.... temporary at least. I actually didn't know it was going to snow. Atlanta isn't known to have snow, but this time, it did. So I took my little coupe with pretty low ground clearance to the northern mountains hoping to get some twisty action. I got more than what I asked for. Basically there were two kinds of road conditions.
1. Plowed road peppered with coarse salt, essentially, it was like driving on loose gravel.
2. Miles and miles of unplowed roads and endless uncontrollable awesome!
It's funny seeing those SUVs and pick-up trucks struggling to make their way through, and me driving this low "sporty" coupe cutting through the tire tracks. Hey, it's not the car that matters. It's the SKILLZZZ!!! Seriously, for those who think driving on snow mountain roads is dangerous... well, if you think so, it is. If you know what you are doing, it's fun!
So here I am, back in flat Florida. Need some Latina curves to feed the emptiness!
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