Key West, one of the most southern tip of the United States, and definitely the most southern island that is accessible by road in the United States. So it's like road to dead end.... right?
Don't panic, this photo isn't exactly real. Here's the truth!
Back to the real deal. I knew nothing about Key West. I just know that it's close to Cuba, that it's accessible by this highway that has an incredible history, and that a part of the movie True Lies was shot on the highway. I also hear about the Hemingway house of cats and the roosters that rule the island, also the famous Key Lime pie. I also hear that on the way there, there is this key that has deers, endangered ones. There was also rat problem once.... all of these is me watching too much Discovery and National Geographic.
Beach on one of the keys on the way to Key West.
Decomissioned causeway sections, left to rot.
In my mind, I painted Key West as a tropical island with beautiful beaches and coral reefs, and that the place is resort-like, much like what you would expect from the likes of Hawaii.
So we set off for Key West, driving down the Overseas Highway enjoying the scenery. I was looking forward to the trip because I really want to get away from the boring routines of my life. I want to go somewhere to do nothing. I don't even want to know what the plan was going to be. Heck I'd be happy just sitting under a coconut tree and stare into the horizon all day with the waves in the background. Then, I arrived at Key West.
Hmmm.... this is Key West??? I asked myself. Here we are, Duval street of Key West! My friend said. All I could see are pubs and bars with tons of douches walking around. This is Key West?????
So this is it, the truth was told. Key West was nothing but over developed tourist trap.
Yes we went to the Hemingway house and saw the cats.
Yes we went up to the light house and saw what every one did.
Yes we went to see the southern most point thingy that says we are 90 miles from Cuba.
Yes we rode the Conch tour train.
Yes we had Key lime pie.
Yes we went to the (I forgot what's the name of the place) to watch the sunset and see a bunch of people spit fire.
Yes we stayed at an expensive but stinky h/motel.
No the beach sucked and it stunk too.
It made me want to jump into the sea and escape to Cuba.
Just a few more photos of Key West HERE
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