The Cow is critical of the grass, or it should be. It doesn't matter where it grazes, there's always different tastes to comment on. So join the cow and cowaround the world!

Cowing Around

Blog Archive

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Photo Entry: More Photos

Last Sunday I woke up early hoping to catch the Sunrise. Of course, it didn't show up, but there was an old man at the spot with his camera. I asked so what's up with the strong wind, rain and rough sea this morning? He said there's a typhoon going by. TYPHOON????? I guess I've been isolated from this world for too long. Living right by the coast not knowing news about a passing Typhoon? Hmmm....

And then two nights later, I thought the moon would be up, but the clouds were up instead.

Not to mention, there are about 7 rescued dogs outside my dorm, here one of the pups!

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