The Cow is critical of the grass, or it should be. It doesn't matter where it grazes, there's always different tastes to comment on. So join the cow and cowaround the world!

Cowing Around

Blog Archive

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Photo Entry: Nan-An

Route 30 was supposed take mountain-road lovers like me across Taiwan, through the mountain chains that separates the east and the west of the island. However, route 30 was never completed because of environmental concerns. Perhaps it's a good thing that they didn't continue with the construction. Route 30 was planned based on an ancient hiking route by the indigenous folks of Taiwan. Today, it is still a well-knowing hiking route for serious hikers and mountaineers. Route 30 ends at the trail head of this mountain pass, one that I'd love to try one day.... just for a few kilometers at least. Well, this is the first time there and I am only here to check it out.

The more interesting landmark here that I found was not the trail head, but a suspension bridge on another part of the trail. This path is not frequently visited, so it was quiet, just me, the stream below, the wind and the leaves shuffling in the air.

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My kind of road...  photo DSC_6808_zps9fbe47bd.jpg

This region also produces some of the best rice in Taiwan, and it's the beginning of a planting cycle.  photo DSC_6822_zps43c01bc7.jpg

And some interesting creatures.

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