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Friday, August 28, 2015

Taiwan Road Trip 2015 #14: Route 197

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Since when I was living in Taitung I've been curious about this particularly twisty road between Chishang and Taitung City. It's not the usual Route 9 that everyone knows, but a road that coils around the mountain range to the east of Route 9. This time, I have to check it out.

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This is Route 197. It's a smaller and much less travelled road that links the tribes along the mountain. To me this is an absolutely refreshing sight because I've never seen this part of Taitung before. Small mountain tribes with over view of the main valley and the towns below. The rice fields aren't as large but sit on terraces, like those stepped paddy fields. One of the most interesting features I've found is this water wheel that lifts water from the main irrigation canal to the field that sits higher than the canal, with an opening on the opposite side of the field to let water out. This helps to maintain the freshness of the water in the field, keeps oxygen level up and reduces the risk of diseases from staying and take hold.

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Half way down the road there was a section of gravel that stretches for 14km. It was very tempting but I was driving a car with low ground clearance. I was just thinking what will happen if I get stuck in between, there's absolutely no help! So for that section I chickened out and took the main road, and then rejoin 197 when the gravel ended.

The road twists and climbs, and eventually makes its way towards the Pacific Ocean where I could get a wide view of both Taitung City and the airport. This is one road that I will definitely want to ride on again.

 photo DSC_1425_zpsmbxco5pj.jpg Chicken crossing Route 197!!!

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