For a while I didn't really know why, but I eventually figured it out.
Cows because they are one of the most under appreciated beings in the human world. They work, they provide, they produce. They are humble, they don't complain and they contribute. Yet in this modern world of industrialization, they are the ones being abused, silently.
Then the dung. Well, here's an entry dedicated to the admirable and meaningful organic matter.
So why is cow dung significant? It IS extremely significant, especially in today's context.
Let's look at the cow dung as various indicators.
Cow Dung as the Indicator for the Quality of Life:
Let's put it this way, as mentioned above, industrialization of the food industry driven by the abuse of consumerism led to one thing - quantity. Since WWII, the US wants to remain a strong nation and one thing that the war taught them is, if you got lots of food reserve and production, you are the king. So the US government wanted to increase the food production of the country. One way to drive the supply is to stimulate the demand. US government therefore subsidized food like beef to drive its demand since it cost less to buy beef for consumers than how much it actually costs to produce. The food industry had no other choice but to ride the wave. There was no quality in mind, only quantity. Today, more cattle are farmed in tight enclosures for easy feeding and management. What do they get to eat? Corn feeds because corn are also subsidized by the government too. They eat, sleep and shit on the same spot, which make them sick, so the farmers pump them up with steroids and antibiotics. Since the cows aren't eating their natural diet which is grass, their four stomachs don't work like they do before. Along with the shit they sleep on, bacteria like E coli found the right place to thrive. Also, since the US food industry uses animal by products as fertilizers, E Coli finds its way to vegetables, therefore the outbreak on Spinach a few years ago in California and the recent incident in Europe.
So what does a picture of a perfect dung laying on the pasture in warm sunlight mean? It means you are at the right place doing the right thing. It means free ranching cows enjoying juicy grass, they way things are life is supposed to be, quality life, not quantity.
Cow Dung as a Health Indicator:
As mentioned above, beef aren't what they used to be. I could be wrong, but I remember hearing that the chemical properties of corn fed beef is different from grass fed, free ranching beef. In any case, it taste different and definitely does different things to your body.
Applying the same scenario to human beings, a third of the American adult population is over weight. One fifth of children are obese. Americans survive on soda, regular or diet. They also have forgotten what real food is like and mean, and depend on manufactured, pre-packed or ready-to-cook meals. Most Americans don't include fruits as part of their daily diet. For some, fruits mean preserved pre-cut fruits in syrup soaked cans. Seriously, I have people telling me they are eating healthy because they eat a constant portion of those highly sweetened fruit cans everyday. I say God Bless You.
American's no.1 murderer is heart related diseases, with diabetes, high blood pressures, liver and kidney failures to follow closely behind. People who are "health conscious" can't seem to find enough nutrient in naturally gathered food. They have to take "supplements" like extra vitamins, protein shakes along with "you don't know shit so I am telling you how to manage your body" workout regiments that come in the form of DVDs. I see people running on the treadmill when the weather is perfectly fine outside. WTF. Srsly WTF.
In turn, all the money you thought you saved end up being spend on taxes and retarded health care expenses.
So what does a cow dung laying on the grass mean? It means healthy lifestyle by eating what you are supposed to eat.
So my friend asked me why did I "suddenly" start eating all healthy and what not. I gave a 5 second thought and here's my reply,
"Cus I want to be proud of my shit, and it's never been better!!!"
So true... so true!
Cow Dung as Economic Indicator:
So you may ask doesn't industrialization and increased demand and supply indicate growth of economy?
Sure, but it's not "growth". It's "swell", with pus ready to burst out any time!
The Republicans and voters blame Obama for not creating enough jobs to save them. Well, I have to ask them," Are you qualified for these jobs even if they are available?"
Why may I ask this question? Well, in secondary school, I learnt that in order for a healthy economy to grow and sustain, you need a healthy work force. Just look at Americans. I can fit fewer of them in my photo than the rest of the world!
And I was talking to the same friend a while later, telling how the cows are truly happy cows, I realized that instead of farmers competing for raising the best cows by comparing the animals, why not compare the cow dungs? Seriously, you can't make this shit up, literally!
Back to a little more serious note, a perfect cow dung laying on a pasture embraced by the warm sunlight, surrounded by wild flowers and eager flies means "healthy and adequate consumption leads to sustainable growth". The other way results in soupy diarrhea and E Coli.
Cow Dung as a Social Indicator:
You know, looking at this inspiring photo of a perfect cow dung laying on a perfect lush pasture surrounded by its insect buddies and embraced by the warm sun, one thing I'd say to the dung is," Man, it's been a looooong journey for ya, you deserve to sit and chill, and a cold beer."
The process of life. Take a deeper look, (I don't mean plunging your head into a cow's ass, but metaphorically speaking) a cow dung represents a turning point in the life cycle. I learnt from my primary school education that life takes and returns, whether in the forms of piss, shit or dead bodies. Cow dung represents the transition between life and resource for the nature. It is one of the most significant process in the life cycle, one that sustains the world.
Then look at today's fast-paced society. People are rude, competitive, selfish, shallow, dirty, evil, dishonest, lame, short sighted, unmotivated, misguided and pretty unethical.
So what does a perfect cow dung laying comfortably on the green juicy grass with flies and bugs dancing around it while taking a sun bath mean? It means a healthy consequence of thorough and methodological process grounded by conscious values which serve as the foundation for a healthy and sustainable society, one where people are generous, genuine, honest, pure, devoted, confident and wise. That's the shit I'm talkin' about!
Therefore mystery explained. I am not just some cow dung fanatic with a perverted fetish. I am actually pretty philosophical about my fascinations with healthy logic that can be communicated in a rational, objective and polite manner. So here's a shit on a gold edged plate. Trust me, it's good for you.
So what should you say when you see a perfect cow dung laying relaxingly and comfortably on the succulent chewy green juicy grass with happy flies dancing around it in the warm and calm sun rays?
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