So it was the summer break and I embarked on a journey from Detroit to Baltimore. Well, since my friend lived close to Baltimore, we headed onto the road together, me following his lead. The plan was to stop over at his place for the night before I continue to Baltimore. It was a long drive for me since it was the first time I've driven so long, so far. It was 500miles, about 8 hours of driving. We left at around noon, but by the time we got close to the destination, it was dark even by summer's standard. It was pretty scary on the PA turnpike. It was mountainous. The highway was narrow with little room to escape should you need to evade any accident. It was pouring like crazy and I felt like my car was aqua planing. Still, everyone, especially the truck drivers, were passing me at 80+mph. Yes I was a puss... and I do admit that.
After we got off the highway, it was another good half an hour of driving in pitch black. We were in the middle of no where, just winding roads that seemed endless. Again, I was just following my friend's lead, had no idea where I was going. It was fun enjoying non-straight roads for the first time since I went to Detroit, but it was exhausting and I couldn't wait to get a room and a bed. Finally, we arrived. I got down the car. It was pitch black. I had no idea where I was. I had no idea what my surrounding was like. It was quiet and everyone was asleep, so my friend show me where I was sleeping and I went right ahead and took the opportunity.
Then came the morning. Still feeling tired from the previous day of traveling and tense driving, I opened the door to the outside only to be shocked to realize where I was.
I was in paradise.
Green.... that's all I saw. Tall trees with lush leaves. Endless pasture and rolling hills, sprinkled with beautiful and vivid flowers surrounded by bees and other summer bugs. Birds were singing in my ear. I was greeted by a big dog, 3 cats and a bunch of chicken.
I wasn't dreaming.
It was a huge contrast between my experience the night before. I was lost, tired and unmotivated. Then I was revived and full of prospects for the days ahead. I never forget the experience this place had brought me.
So during the summer internship, I visited my friend almost every other weekend. It was an hour and a half of driving on rural roads to get to his place. There was no google map or portable GPS at that time. It was the good old days of "show me once and I will memorize it". During the various trips to visit my friend, I got to know his family somewhat well. Well enough to be qualified for a adopted grandson to his grandmother. It was an extraordinary experience because it was the first time I was exposed to "real America". Real Americans in the Real America, not some liberal hippies on a school campus. I guess not everywhere is the same, but meeting and getting to know my friend's family showed me one thing- They are humble people who respect and embrace the outside world. There was a genuine sense of respectful curiosity about me and where I was from. They were definitely no rednecks.
I was also fascinated by the place because it reminded me of my grandparent's village - a village of old folks with lots of farmlands earning a honest and humble living. I love watching the free ranching cows and horses, and the fresh eggs laid by my friend's dad's chickens. The farm is largely powered by both wind and solar power, and there's this radio in the shack that never goes silent. Everything was working out. It was an idealism turned into reality.
So this time, I had the chance to pay my friend a quick visit. A quick but meaningful visit. I revisited the sites I frequented and met the folks who I missed. Now typing this and sitting in my room in south Florida, I feel I need to get back there.
So here's the painkiller. A whole bunch of photos to convince myself that I am not where I am, but at where I want to be. Enjoy and please do check out the photo gallery because there are lots more to be admired!
2011 Visit
2004 Visit
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