經過了填鴨式及西方的自由教育, 我對填鴨式的方法有很大的抗拒, 因為我覺得填鴨式的教育根本無法達到教育的目的, 只是為了短期的目的手段。
Having experienced both “force fed” and western “learn at will” styles of education, I am personally much against the Asian/British force fed method because it serves no educational purpose and is often for the benefit of short term goals of achieving quantifiable results.
開始從事目前的工作時我就認定” 不是教師” 是我的優勢, 因為我不需要按照特定的教材或內容來教導學生。學生也不會把我看成傳統教師。我對他們而言是個可以學東西的大哥哥。所以我積極製作好玩有趣, 以增長見聞的內容為主, 以及一些能夠讓他們體驗不同專業領域好玩的活動。
As I began my current role, I recognized that not being a teacher is my advantage because I don’t have to conform to any specific teaching material or schedule. Students don’t see me as a teacher, therefore see me as more approachable, a big friend. With this, I try to arrange interesting and playful contents that are based on the goal of exposing students to knowledge that is otherwise not available to them.
在學期間, 因為時間受到一般課表的限制而不能辦比較好玩及完整的活動, 所以學生能夠學習到的成果有限, 只是在充時間。暑期的時間當然是很好利用的時段, 加上學生們本來在家就都很無聊, 所以學習的意願會提高。在活動申請遲遲沒下文的狀況下, 我不知道活動能不能辦成。不過剛好校外會要在樟原國小辦活動, 而且是讓我們自己去設計安排, 我想如果這次不辦, 就沒機會辦了。
During the school year, restricted to the school class schedule, it will be very difficult for me to organize complete programs due to the lack of time. Summer vacation therefore is the best time if I want to organize any form of summer learning camp or workshop. I submitted my application for holding learning camps during the summer but have had any words on its possibilities, therefore when my supervising department called me up to organize a camp in another elementary school, with the freedom to design the program, I thought there won’t be any better opportunity.
暑假本來就是要玩得開開心心的, 就辦個大家都會玩得開心的活動。所以我把這次的活動定為電影特訓營, 以拍電影為目的而間接學習英語應用。
Summer vacation is supposed to be happy and fun, that’s why I intended this program to be fun for all, using movies as a theme and English as a secondary tool to help them create a film.
如以上所提到的, 我不認同傳統教育的方式。尤其是英語在台灣不是主要語言, 學習的目的是在於溝通而不是專精, 所以應該不是教單字而是教應用。英語也不該在英語課學習, 因為在教室裡是無法真正營造使用的情境。我覺得英語可以配合其他的科目教學, 如數學(教英語數字), 自然科學(簡單名詞), 美術, 音樂等。這樣各科目都能得到更多的時間配比, 也能一舉多得。
As mentioned above, I don’t agree with the so-called traditional method especially when English is not the primary language. Students in Taiwan needs to master Chinese, but not English. They just need to learn how to use it in communication. I don’t believe that English, or any language, should be taught in classrooms because there is no way that a realistic application scenario can be simulated in classrooms. I feel that English can be taught along with other subjects, such as teaching numbers in Math class and animals and other names in Science classes. This way, each subject gets more teaching time and students learn more than one thing at a time, diversifying learning contents.
我也就是以同樣的邏輯辦此電影營, 讓學生自己創造自己要表達的內容, 創造自己要說英語的需要, 也就創造自我學習的動力。最主要的是, 他們從中可以學習非常多元的知識和技能, 而不是單一的內容。
Using the same logic, the movie workshop lets students create and express their own contents, create scenarios in which English will be applied and therefore create their own motivations for using English. More importantly, they will learn more than one set of knowledge and skills as opposed to a singular subject.
電影營基本上是角色扮演, 也就算辦家家酒。男生的話就像推著玩具車想像自己是賽車手, 或者拿著飛機揮來揮去的。比較不同的是要把這個玩的動作正式化, 經過團體討論計劃和拍攝呈現給大家。拍出來的效果是以自己的標準, 而成果是自己的努力。
Playing roles in a movie is just like role play games that kids play on their own, like when boys pushes a toy car around and pretend to be grand theft auto, or a girl pretending to be a princess with a barbie. The difference here is, they will “officialize” it with planning and organization, and present the result with filming. The result will be a representation of one’s self-expectation, their own hard work.
通過認識電影, 學生能認識到不同領域的知識。光是電影類別就能夠衍生出很多好玩的學習活動。從電影也能達到娛樂的效果。認識電影的製作也能讓他們了解拍一部片的辛苦及藝術的價值。從事拍電影的各個職務也能是更有意義的角色扮演, 當個小導演, 小攝影師, 小道具製作及小演員。他們是實際操作而不是戴個帽子裝個樣子。
Students can learn knowledge from different areas from learning about movies. The different genres of movies alone is a great platform for students to branch out into various categories of knowledge and create interesting activities. Movies serve great entertainment value, and learning about movie making exposures them to the hardwork that takes to create a movie, therefore learning about the value of art creation. Movie making also lets them take on several roles, such as director, cameraman, props making and actors. By playing such roles, they are not just role playing, they are doing the actual work, experiencing real challenges and accompanishing real goals.
以上都是理論, 實際狀況是如何還需要實際的操作來證明。
However, all of the above are just theory, now it’s time to put it to real test.
為了活動, 我很早就開始準備玩具和可以拿來製作道具的材料, 比如回收的容器, 奇怪形狀的包裝盒等。希望學生們能夠用自己的想象力來運用這些材料。我們也自己用同樣的方式拍攝了一部短篇, 目的是為了讓學生們覺得這是做得到的。
For the event, I have been collecting used toys and recyclable bottles and containers, and whatever interesting material I can find, hoping that they will use their imagination to create props for their movie sets. We also made a sample movie, using the same methods as the students will be using, to show them that movie making is not impossible, also to generate some interest and expectations.
就這樣, 我們來到了樟原國小。我們沒來過, 沒見過老師和主任, 沒見過學生們, 更連實際的人數都不知道。不過學生都很配合, 比我想象中的好, 也很成熟, 會互相提醒。他們也很自律, 時間到了就回到座位上, 不需要太多的叮嚀。我覺得這跟這裡的老師有關。他們不是把學生當學生看, 而是當作自己的小孩照顧。講話的語氣, 神情中都看得關愛。這是在城市裡所看不到的。
So here we are at Zhang Yuan elementary school. We have never been here, never met the teachers or the students. We don’t even know the number of students we will be interacting with! However, the students are very corporative, much better than we’ve expected. They display maturity and self discipline, remind each other with tasks that they need to do and are punctual with time. We don’t need to do much in terms of getting them to stay focused, and I think it has everything to do with the way their teachers interact with them. Just from the eyes, expressions and every little detail, we can tell that the teachers in this school treat them like their own, with love and compassion. This is not something you see in the city. Not that it’s unique to the countryside, but I think the less competitive nature of this environment allows more space for patience.
第一天 Day 01
活動開始了。早上介紹了有關電影的類別及內容, 也利用youtube找了很多經典和勁爆的影片跟大家分享。可是看得出來, 光做在椅子上的活動不管內容再好玩, 還是綁不住小孩子的心, 所以午餐過後就讓學生們開始分組, 然後選出自己的導演。學生也各自選了自己喜歡的玩具當自己的角色, 然後開始討論故事內容。我也準備了一些表格幫學生規劃內容, 幫他們整理思緒。
本來以為想故事是最難的, 可是有些組別卻寫得不奕樂乎。其他的組別當然有點慢, 欠缺默契及動力。這是難免的, 也是創意創作的一部份。
After a brief introduction, we started the day with “Movie 101”, explaining the different genres of movie to the students with short clips of classic and blockbuster movies from Youtube as examples. However no matter how interesting the content is, it is impossible to keep kids on their seats for long, so after lunch, we let them form groups and elect their own directors. The students also pick their own toys as the character they will be playing and then start discussing the plot as a group. I also prepared some worksheets to help the students organize their thoughts.
Initially, we expected the plot creation process to be the most painful for the students, but they all seemed to be naturals at this. With the exception of one group, some displayed excellent group dynamics, some displayed distinctive leadership. After all, smooth or rough, this is all a part of the lesson about team work.
第二天 Day 02
學生們興致勃勃的跑到各個組別的桌子就座, 看這眼前未完成的稿子。有的組別心有成竹了, 有些還是無精打彩。主任說, 每個組別的小朋友個性都不一樣。有的很主動, 有的很求好心切, 變得不敢亂做決定。不過這就是團隊合作所會碰到的經驗, 也是他們以後成長比經的道路。有的小孩子跟自己的角色玩具感情好到已經把它玩壞了, 有的卻老是跑回道具桌物色這替代的玩具。我們為了不讓他們三心二意, 所以一開始就規定他們只能選一樣, 而那樣就必須代表他們。組別如果覺得需要其他的角色來完成他們的劇本, 那當然歡迎加入新角, 不過他們本來的角色一點要是主角。
本來打算下午才開始讓學生們開始製作道具, 可是有些組別已經把劇本寫得差不多了, 有些沒什麼勁, 索性讓他們換跑道動手做道具。我們準備了一大堆回收的容器讓他們玩。當然, 他們一開始的時候看著一堆垃圾不知道要怎麼辦, 我就說剛才不是有故事裡有飛彈嗎? 拿個瓶子加上尾翼不就變成飛彈了嗎? 我拿著用來包水果的泡綿網說, 如果公主被綁架, 那要用什麼來綁她呢? 答案就在我手上。就這樣, 他們好像進入了一個心得探險, 每個人都跳起來手忙腳亂的做起來, 連那個無精打彩的組別也忙起來了。
就這樣, 氣氛又熱絡起來。有的剪, 有的黏, 有的貼。我們也準備了已經被用過的彩色壁報紙。一面是乾淨的彩色紙, 另一面是我校畢業佈置畫過的圖案。本來以為他們會用乾淨的那一面, 不過小孩子的創意往往出乎意外, 與其用乾淨的那一面從畫, 他們直接利用現有的圖騰來製作道具。我覺得小孩子不嫌棄別人一做過的作品加以利用, 其實是肚量很大的表現。
As the second day starts, the students ran to their respective group tables. Looking at their unfinished scripts, they seemed confident. The last group was still lack of energy. As the teacher said, some students are pro-active, some are too cautious. The cautious kids become too careful about making decisions, but again, this is a part of working as a group, which is what they will all experience later in their lives. Some kids are so involved in their role play that their toys have already suffered from injuries, some are simply indecisive about what they want to be and kept running back to the toys stack to find their new roles. In order to keep them focused, we set a rule from the beginning of the program that each student has to keep to their initial decision for what character they want to be. They are welcomed to introduce additional characters and props but they have to stick to their own characters.
We planned for the kids to start prop making in the afternoon, but most groups have finished their scripts. The last lifeless group needs a change in activity, so we decided to let them start with props making earlier. We prepared a ton of sorted waste such as bottles and containers for them to use. Initially, they looked at the pile of thrash as… simple a pile of thrash, not knowing what to do with them, so we had to show them the possibilities. For example, I asked if there was going to be “missiles” in the story, one group said yes. So I said what can you use to make missiles? The answer became apparent. Then, I asked if there was going to be king in the story? Another group said yes. So I said a King needs a palace, so what can you use to make a palace? Again, the answer was in that pile of thrash. All of a sudden, a pile of thrash became a pile of possibilities.
The mood came alive again. Every kid had his/her hands busy. Some were cutting, some were pasting, others were coloring. What surprised me was, I brought some used color paper for them to make props. These were used by the students from my school and already had one side of it filled with decorations. I thought the kids will use the clean side and then draw what they want, but they really got the idea of making use of what’s available. They actually reused the existing graphics for their props, developing an eye for opportunities. To me, this is a show of capacity for learning because they don’t mind using other’s creations as a stepping stone to theirs.
第三天 Day 03
第三天的第一件事就是考考他們還寄不記得教過的英文。雖然很勉強, 還把題目改了幾次, 不過獎品就是要送出去, 所以還是達成了任務。這樣說起來, 好像是送獎比得獎的還要難!
跟上一天一樣, 有的道具做的差不多了。我們看了看, 就問那主題畫面是不是該做一下? 他們一聽到又動起來了。所以說, 太自信還是不好的。不一會兒, 大家都想出去到他們要拍攝的地點彩排。彩排的目的是要讓他們了解實際操作的狀況以及提早發現可能遇到的困難加以排除。這包括角色出場旁白的順序, 鏡頭取景的技巧以及各人的協調性。當然, 導演需要使喚一起不聽話的小朋友, 也要培養一點領導的技巧。
彩排完了就開始學操作相機。我們是利用別的團體捐贈的相機, 用錄影功能來讓學生拍攝影片。每台相機操作上都有所不同。我只教學生必須知道的功能, 不過他們很快的都自己學會其他功能的使用。攝影師們開始真正了解什麼就取景, 而大伙兒也開始了解拍攝時大家都要合作保持安靜。每一個鏡頭都需要大家的專心, 不然會一直需要從拍。不只如此, 小朋友們每當拍完了一個鏡頭就擁到攝影師看剛才錄的畫面。本來是要求導演決定是否要重拍, 可是變成演員們自己喊重拍。他們開始培養了自我要求的標準, 也培養了不氣餒的精神。
The first thing on the third day is to quiz them on English words that have been taught, including genres and related movie terms. Although it was quite a struggle for them, the prizes are meant to be given away, so it ended up that the quiz givers have to spend more time making the quiz easy.
Like before, many groups had their props made quickly and are anxious to start. I asked them if they need a starting screen. They gave a thought, and began making more props. Kids tend to beover confident because they want to get into action right away, thinking that they already have everything. We expected them to realize things that they missed during the shooting, that’s why we reminded them as much as possible before they were set to roll the camera. After the props were all done, we took them out to their respective choice of shooting. They can choose any place on the campus to do their shots, and can move from place to place depending on their plots. This is not the actual shooting, but the rehearsal so they can get a better idea what kind of challenges they may encounter, including character and line sequence, framing techniques and coordination. Of course, the directors have to deal with his disobident crews.
After the rehearsal we moved on to learning how to use the camera. It just happened that the school received a batch of used digital cameras for future programs, which was convenient for us because the kids can just use these cameras to shoot short movies. Since all the cameras are different, we have to teach them how to use the cameras. We just taught them the basic functions that are enough for them to shoot short movies, but they quickly figured out many of the side functions. Cameramen also began to realize what framing is all about and began to realize the challenges. Every one else learns to keep quiet when the camera is rolling, everyone stays focus during each shot. Otherwise, every failed shot means a retake. We asked the director to decide whether a shot is good before they move on to the next shot. Before long, everyone was excited about the shots and every time a shot is taken, the crew crowds around the camera man to see the replay. Instead of the director calling go or no-go, the crews took the responsibility upon themselves. Suddenly, they’ve developed their own sets of standards and won’t compromise for any worse.
第四天 Day 04
大家都繼續的拍攝電影。不過其實大部份的人都快拍好了, 就乘那個本來沒勁的組別。他們不是在拖, 而是太講求完美。一個鏡頭拍了幾十此還在喊重來, 攝影師擺足了架勢。同學們的要求也越來越高, 有的角色表現不好, 就馬上有其他團員上去替補。結果一句本來是一個人講的英語臺詞整組都講熟了, 真是事半功倍啊!
終於完成了, 不過我們的工作才要開始。從中午到明天早上要把學生拍攝的影片剪接成完整的電影, 好要把他們的NG段落跟從旁拍攝的短篇整理成花絮。一天也就這樣匆忙的過了。
Every one continues to shoot their movies. Actually, most were ready, but that last lifeless group suddenly pounces to life! While other groups have called it a day, this last group really cared about perfection and kept calling for retake. Just one last shot took them about 20-30 retakes. The cameraman really had his posture nailed down and the crews have higher and higher expectations. For example, when an actor isn’t doing a good job, someone else will assume his role. The unexpected surprise was, this means many people get to say the line and many get to learn the same English line. Before long, the entire group has learnt how to speak that English line.
After all is done, it’s our turn to get really busy. We spent the rest of the day editing the short movies that the kids have made and put them into a complete movie.
第五天 Day 05
最後一天了, 也是大家最期待的一天。大家都還沒看過自己的完成品, 所以很期待。不過在首映之前, 我要帶大家出國去玩。去哪裡呢? 去冰島! 本來是跟冰島的一位朋友約好了跟小朋友們做視訊, 結果時間到了還不見蹤影…..她把時間搞錯了。就這樣, 我必須充場面, 就用了GOOGLE帶他們環游世界上山下海, 用街景看當地的生活, 從北半球到南半球, 也順便繞到他們的所在地樟原國小。
充完了場面….還好大家還算給面子…… 我們簡單的示範如何用軟體來剪接影片, 把不同的片段接起來變成完整的電影。算是讓學生們了解電影不是魔術變出來的。
吃完午餐到了頒獎典禮。當然, 獎不會那麼容易給他們。頒獎前跟學生們回顧了過去四天的挑戰和努力。導演們知道了領導的難處。攝影師也了解了責任的重要。大家還需要學習如何跟彼此相處, 產生正面的團隊精神。雖然大家都異口同聲說拍電影很難, 但大家也都說如果有機會要再來一次, 甚至要做得更好。
也借此機會考一考大家是否還記得自己的英語臺詞。結果不出所料, 學生們的手一個接一個的舉起來說自己的臺詞, 而且經過多次的NG, 他們都說的很順, 沒有生澀感, 也懂得其應用方法。問他們英文難不難,一個小朋友大喊”It’s so easy!”
看首映的時候, 大家的眼睛瞪著螢幕, 嘴裡嚼這爆米花。由於影片都很短, 不一會兒就播玩了。不過就在評審們討論頒獎的細節時我們放了學生們的花絮, 結果娛樂效果果然比正式的影片還好。時候問他們正式影片比較好看還是花絮比較好看…當然是花絮! 不過花絮也是他們努力才得來的結晶, 不容低估它的價值!
其實這時候得什麼獎大家都不是很在意了。滿足了, 玩累了,該是感恩的時候。當然我不是指謝天謝地的感恩, 而是對自己這幾天所學的好好回顧一下。學生們很踴躍的上臺發表感言, 我們也很感動。我從這次的經驗學到了很多, 得到的更多。希望學生們在心情平靜下來後, 在往後的日子裡會記得兒時所作的夢想, 不怕挑戰的去完成它, 就像拍電影一樣把夢想實現。
Day five, everyone anticipates this day because none of them has seen the final cut. Before the premiere, I decided to take them on to a tour abroad. I planned to take them to Iceland through a internet video chat with an Icelandic friend, but since she went on hiding, I took the kids around the world through Google map and street view.
After the failed show, considering that riot didn’t happen, we show them how to use softwared to edit their short clips and put them together to make a movie. Movies aren’t made with magic after all.
After lunch was the awards ceremony, the Academy Awards of Zhang Yuan! Before giving out the prizes, we revisited the past four days of sweat and tears. The directors realized how tough it is to lead a crew. The cameraman realized how important his role is and te rest realizes the importance of working with each other to produce the best results. Even though everyone said it’s a tough job, everyone vows to do it again, but better!
We also took this opportunity to see if the kids still remembered their English lines. Well, to our expectation, everyone raised their hands and couldn’t wait to say their lines. Usually, it’s hard to kids to learn how to say one word, let alone one line. Due to their repeated no-good shots, they had to say the lines over and over again, and got used to saying it. It was only a matter of time before it became natural for them. Like one kid said,” It’s so easy!”
During the premiere, everyone had their eyes focused on the screen with pop corns in their mouths. The movies were short so it ended quickly. While the judges discussed the winners, we played the bloopers from their four days of filming that we recorded from the side. Well, the bloopers proved to be much more popular than their own works and everyone agreed that they preferred the bloopers to the actual movies.
By this time, no one really cared what prize they got. Satisfied, exhausted, it was time to share their appreciation. It’s not about thanking any one, but a time to reflect their experience during the past four days. The students weren’t shy about coming on the stage to say their feelings, and we were really touched by their efforts. I hope that after calming down from the excitement, in the days to come, the students won’t forget about the dreams they had when they were children and take on the challenge to fulfil it, just like making a movie.
Having worked in big and small companies, I see many difficiencies. In the design industry, if you just design a product for a client, the client will never be satisfied, consumers will also not see the value in your design. Actually, what people want is already in their mind, it’s just a matter of digging it out. That’s why design industry has evolved into helping clients ask the right questions and leading them into making the right decisions. In Asian education, learning is passive. The term “education’ is proactive, but the proactive party isn’t the student, but the system. Instead of saying “education”, I personally prefer to use the term “inspire” because it matches the goal of moral development much better. In this workshop, I used the same logic that has been practiced in design to help students inspire themselves, letting them return to the most basic form of learning, which is play. From play, they develop their own interest, setting their own goals and motivates themselves to achieve them. From their own inspirations, I hope to that they are not just learning knowledge, but the ability to apply knowledge. This is wisdom. I hope the students are not the ones who have excellent memories, but ones who can self-inspire and bring new energy to the future society.
Please scroll to the bottom for their actual work and bloopers!!!
學校放暑假的期間對役男而言可能是輕鬆的, 也可能是無聊的。當接到教官的通知時, 我其實是非常期待能夠辦活動的。在暑假來臨之前, 我就開始撰寫暑期可以執行的活動, 也呈報了給學校。不過暑假都即將開始了, 計劃可否執行卻還沒有下文, 因此這次在樟原國小的機會對我的意義重大, 也想借此機會試水溫, 以便在往後的機會可以加以改進。
因為確實的時間表到了最後一刻才拿到, 本來的計劃是以電影營為主軸, 再加上其他的課程來充實多元性。不過知道活動時間不預期的短時擔心活動時間不夠, 一度想放棄電影營的部份。不過又誠覺得與其辦沒有主題的活動, 不如把電影營好好的辦, 對小孩子也比較有意義, 因此決定全程以電影營為活動的目的。
電影營其實就是小孩子平常就會玩的角色扮演游戲。不過經過討論及計劃, 簡單的角色扮演游戲就可能成為偉大的作品。重要的是讓小孩們從挑戰中發覺學習的需要, 團隊合作的重要性及自我要求的觀念。小孩們也可以從角色扮演的活動抒發自己在現實生活做不到的理想, 並從中得到意想不到的啟發。
為了籌備活動所需要的道具, 我很早就開始收集玩具及一些可以用來製作道具的回收材料。不過光一個人的力量是有限的。後來從各方募集玩具的材料讓我們信心大增, 也讓我們看到新的可能性。
以過去的經驗, 小孩子們的個性差異很大。有的很外向, 不怕表現。有的卻很沒自信, 覺得自己什麼都做不到。為了要讓學生們有初步的目標概念, 我們決定以相同的方式製作一部電影, 一方面讓學生們參考, 一方面也先自己了解確實的製作過程及可能碰到的困難。對我而言其實也重溫了兒時回憶。
因為沒接觸過樟原的學生, 所以不知道過程會不會順利, 不過從一開始學生們都非常合作。主任和老師們與學生的互動中也看得出來學校的氣氛溫馨。也就因為這樣, 我們很快的就能夠表達活動的目的, 而學生們也很快的進入狀況。在時間上, 學生的進度都比我們預期來的好。雖然各個組別的默契不一, 但是也就因為這樣所產生出的效果多元, 各個組別的特色也很快的展現出來。有的組別馬上就開始分工合作, 很專業的寫劇本及臺詞。有的組別的導演馬上展現領導者的風范, 指揮團員的工作卻又不驕傲。但也有組別起步得慢, 沒什麼動力, 不過在製作道具時就看到了他們的能力表現。從活動中也讓學生們發揮自己的所長, 比如寫作, 藝術等。每一個人的手都忙碌著, 每一個人都找到了自己的價值。
在教室裡準備劇本, 角色設定及道具時, 問各組準備好了沒, 大家都信心滿滿迫不及待的要開始到外面彩排。然而到的外面才發現其實還是有很多未知的挑戰等著他們。從道具的適當性, 拍攝的角度到導演指揮不聽話的同學們, 每一組都在尋找自己的方法。當真正拿到的攝影機時, 取景也是一門他們需要學習的學問。雖然如此, 大家都在炎熱的天氣, 不完美的場景, 不熟悉的器材, 不專業的演員及不同的理念中從摩擦找到合作的默契, 也在困難中找到樂趣, 玩得不亦樂乎。每當完成了一次的拍攝, 大家都圍著攝影師看拍到的畫面, 而也很快的建立了自我要求的標準, 一直喊” 不好, 重來!” 也就因為這樣, 短短的一個鏡頭, 學生們可以拍個幾十次。要求完美的精神絕對不雅與專業的大導演!
終於完成了拍攝, 就等大哥哥們把他們的心血間接成完整的作品。首映的當天, 大家都還沒看過自己努力的成果。在放映以前, 我特別試問了大家的心情, 重溫過去四天下來的辛酸及期待, 他們的感觸以及所領悟到的道理。當然, 也問他們是否還記得臺詞裡所應用到的英語。不出所然, 學生們因為無數次的NG而” 自願” 的反復應用, 英語的臺詞早就烙印在腦子中 。他們會的不是硬邦邦的生字, 而是實際的應用。對我而言, 我想要嘗試的” 情境學習” 打敗了” 教室教學” 。看到學生能開心的應用所學的工具, 不管是不是老師的身份都會感到很欣慰。就這樣, 大家抱著期待又緊張的心情, 嘴裡嚼著爆米花看自己以及大家的作品。播花絮時也才發覺當時的狀況而笑成一團。作品固然重要, 但是大家異口同聲說花絮比較好看!
到了此時, 雖然有獎品等待著他們, 不過我想他們也早就從此經驗中找到了滿足。很多小孩本來是很害羞的, 後來跟大家玩成一團。不敢上鏡頭的也在角色扮演中錄制了自己的努力。導演們也發現原來這個工作其實是那麼有挑戰性, 卻不因此而排斥它。大家都想有機會再來一次。大家都想有機會做得更好! 或許學生們不知道, 此機會及經驗對我意義非凡。我希望他們記得的不是有一群哥哥帶他們拍電影, 而是他們在這次的經驗中自己所立下的目標, 在往後的成長中累積經驗和能力實現兒時的夢想。
自畢業後在大小的公司裡服務, 我看見了很多的不足。在設計產業裡, 如果只是一味的幫客戶設計產品, 客戶永遠不會對你的努力滿意, 消費者也不會認同你的設計。其實大家想要的都已經在心裡, 只是不知道如何把他找出來。所以設計服務的導向是在幫客戶尋找本來就存在的答案。在亞洲的教育體制下, 學習是被動的。” 教育” 這個名詞是主動的動作。但是主動的不是學生, 而是體制本身。與其說教育, 我覺得” 啟發” 比較符合培養品格的目的。我就是把當今設計業界的啟發邏輯運用在學習上, 讓學生回歸到他們的本質, 也就是從興趣中培養學習的目的的動力, 讓他們自己領悟。所建立的不只是知識, 而是知識運用的能力, 也就是智慧。我想要培養的不是很會複誦學生, 而是會自我啟發的未來社會動力。
The sample movie we made.
"Piggy adventure"
"Tuan Tuan's adventure"
"Stupid Cops against flying thieves"
"Lala's adventure"
Piggy bloopers.
Stupid cops bloopers
Tuan Tuan bloopers
Lala bloopers
Final quiz on what they remember from the English lines.
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