So this round is about mountains. Located in Hua Lian county, the Sixty-Stone Mountain is nick named the Little Swiss of Taiwan. Hmmm that's a big title to hold I think. After all, it's really hard to find anything spectacular like the Swiss Alps, especially on the tiny island of Taiwan. It's also famous for "Orange Day-Lily" I am not sure if this is the correct translation. I simply grabbed the first translation result from Google. Basically, it's an edible orange flower that they use as fertilizers. During August and September, the entire mountain top will be blooming with these orange flowers, something that would be spectacular.
It's not too far from where I am, about 50min ride on the scooter. Even though it's not the right season yet, I thought I should go there to check out the environment so I know what to expect the next time I come. It was the right choice!
Although without the orange glowing flowers, the mountain is filled with lush green from the yet-to-bloom flower plants as well as tea plantations. I was also lucky enough to meet some ladies hired to harvest the tea leaves. Basically, they will pick out the new leaves to make tea. It's a laborious job especially in such heat (and cold in the winter).
From the mountain, the view to the rift valley is great. The clouds seemed so close and because of the lack of tourist now, it was quiet and serene. Alright, enjoy the photos!
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