The Cow is critical of the grass, or it should be. It doesn't matter where it grazes, there's always different tastes to comment on. So join the cow and cowaround the world!

Cowing Around

Blog Archive

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Photo Entry: Yu Li Township

Yu Li township is in Hua Lian county, but because it's one of the bigger towns around the area, locals from here go there quite often for stuffs that aren't available here. Yu Li is about 30min away, but you have to drive across a mountain pass. Sounds great to me!

Riding through the mountains is quite nice, even though the road was quite narrow. It's was considered a short ride and in no time I was in Yu Li. I didn't go into the downtown area because I was rather awed by the endless rice paddy fields surrounding the area. This part of the country is not only well known for its beautiful scenery and untouched environment, but is home to Taiwan's best. No kidding, I've been really enjoying eating the rice here.

Needless to say, photo time!


Here's a local community for the retired... I mean, retired from living.

The last moments of a dying bird...

Also, there is a abandoned rail way that has been converted into bike path, with the train station now a bike store. Really neat!



And lastly, a dog, being a dog.


Unknown said...

HDR? Wonderful colours!

Unknown said...
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molested_cow said...

it's a mixture of HDR, tone mapping and RAW edits, and finished with photoshop.