The Cow is critical of the grass, or it should be. It doesn't matter where it grazes, there's always different tastes to comment on. So join the cow and cowaround the world!

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Monday, January 24, 2011


Commodity is probably one of the biggest buzz words in the last decade with the rise of mass produced consumer electronics, in particular, cell phones. There was a brief period when cell phones were what they were. The market was flooded with cell phones of different designs and styles and there really isn’t any difference in functionality, features or technology. It wasn’t until the arrival of PDAs and Smart Phones when the game finally changed.

Back in those days, working at a sweat shop design firm really meant you will be cranking out hundreds of cellphone styles every week. The design director of one such company described cellphones as commodity. It is something that everyone expects to have, but it’s not the reason why people buy them.

Of course, the word commodity comes from finance and trading initially, and later used on consumer products. Since English isn’t my first language, the word commodity has been rather vague to me for a long time. I sort of get it, but can’t quite pin point its exact meaning, until one day….

It was in 2010 Chinese New Year. I was in the US since I don’t get vacation to go home. A co-worker decided to have a Chinese New Year party at her place. Chinese New Year celebration is equivalent to Thanks Giving for Americans. It’s a day or time when family members get together and reunite. It’s a day where we recollect ourselves from the whole year’s chaos and separation and find the cultural and family value that make us who we are. It’s more than a celebration. It’s a reflection.

Having lived away from family for a long time, Chinese New Year gathering with friends often means pot luck. Friends around the table become family members. It’s a few hours of quality time spent with each other accompanied with the food that we’ve made for each other with best wishes that we shared.

So in 2010 when my co-worker sent out the invitation, I thought that would be the case.

It wasn’t until about an hour into the event when I realized that we were not going to be sitting around a table. It wasn’t until when others start to trickle in when I realized that this is not about emotional investment and treating each other sincerely. It was about partying, drinking and socializing, and Chinese New Year was the commodity.

At the end of the party, I doubt any one knew each one any better. I doubt any non-Chinese understood what Chinese New Year was about.

Now imagine the Chinese throwing a tequila party on Thanks Giving with sliced cold turkey as appetizers, accompanied by a few tables of mahjong games that continue to the next morning.

Needless to say, my mind was rather lost that night.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pussies, BIG Pussies!!!

Before you get all offended/excited/horny, try to think on the healthier side.

CATS! I mean, big cats, really big ones.

Once my friend commented,"Look at how cats(domestic) jumps and leaps. Imagine if they are the size of a dog. They will totally eat them live!". Well, this is exactly like that!

Jaguars, Mountain Lions, Cheetah just to name a few, these are rescued big cats. What do you mean rescued? Like, taken away from the African Safari? These cats have been raised in captivity, sometimes are 2nd or 3rd generation cats in captivity. They were once someone's pet or performing animal, then abandoned. So here they are, enjoy the cool but sunny day chewing free snacks away. I don't mean us... the snack I mean.

So I learn some interesting things about these cats, like Cheetah meows like a kitten, and mountain lions are freaking huge! Still, one thing I always knew, that is "Don't mess with them!".

So just sit back and enjoy their beauty.

The owner of the refuge and her volunteer.

Ok, I'm outta here!

Please click HERE for lots more photos!!!

Red Rock Canyon

So I took an extra day at Vegas to see the "non-Vegas". I looked at the map and there are some interesting places to visit. All had one thing in common, which is they have nothing to do with gambling.

Due to time constrain, I had to pick one. I was recommended the Red Rock Canyon by my co-workers who are familiar with this part of the world, and off I went.

Wow, I mean WOW! This has to be the best hidden secret for Vegas tourists. The rock formation.... soooo 3DDDD!!!! No 3D glasses can ever replicate the awesomeness, the grandness and simply, the scale and beauty of the canyon. There are many trails you can hike on, but I didn't have the time. It's quite a shame. So just enjoy the photos, which absolutely do no justice to how magnificent the view was. You just have to be there in person, and make sure you have lots of time to immerse yourself in it.

Please click HERE for a few more photos.

Damn, it's the Hoover Dam!!!

Nothing much, just swing by and took some photos....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

VEGAS!!!!! For real!

Let's make this a quick one.

1. VEGAS is the adult version of Orlando.
2. VEGAS is not as fabulous as I once thought.
3. The "O" Show at the Bellagio is worth every penny.
4. There's something for everyone at VEGAS.
5. I didn't get to go to one of those famous buffets.
6. I had the best Taiwanese beef noodle ever, for a whooping US$21!!!

Well, Vegas is about over doing everything. They moved Paris and NY here. Hell, even the Pyramid got stolen and placed in this desert. You, yes you are the king here, although I wonder what happens if you cross the mafias who really run the shows here. Well, Vegas is like no other. I am just curious how long this striving desert city will last before it runs out of gas.

That's chocolate fountain!!!!!

Droog Store in Vegas with ridiculous price tags.

Prada's store at Vegas reminded me of Frank Ghery's titanium architectures, except this one is probably a lot easier to build.

Every boy's dream....

Every man's..... shiiiii!!!!!

I like Encore's architecture the most. It's got a modern shine to it.

Over the top McDonald's

Weird structure of a shopping center that doesn't make any sense.

Elvis goes home after a day of hard work, and waits at the light like everyone else.

So the big question is, did I gamble?

Yes, and I lost freaking $2!!!!!