The Cow is critical of the grass, or it should be. It doesn't matter where it grazes, there's always different tastes to comment on. So join the cow and cowaround the world!

Cowing Around

Monday, July 28, 2008

"Thanks to the Liberals"

No photo today, but just want to site an interesting conversation with the American grandma. I came home during lunch time, cooked kimchi soup noodle and was eating away. Tiger (the grandma) can over to me to remind me to keep the windows slightly opened while she's going away for a week, with the reason being so that the house won't be so hot and therefore need less A/C. Then she went on commenting that A/C is getting more expensive, so is everything else, and she paused and said,"Thanks to the Liberals..."


Liberals? What has the liberals got to do with world inflation and rising oil prices? Wait, is Bush considered liberal? I don't remember that being so. So I felt like asking her if she knows that significant inflation is going on EVERYWHERE else in the world, with US being the less affected area. Maybe she should ask herself why she's living in such a big house to begin with if she's worried about the energy bill. Maybe she should wonder why there are so many "stuffs" around the house and in the garage that the family rarely use. Maybe she should ask her son-in-law and her daughter why they have 3 cars, and plus her own, 4. Maybe she should start to realize that it takes so much water to wet the land they sit on, and so much chemical to fertilize it, yet it has no food yield at all, or at least, some trees to create some shade and retain energy, absorb more CO2 and reduce global warming. Maybe it IS the liberals causing all of her misery. I don't know. I didn't make any of these decisions to own so many things, a big house with big lawn, or 4 cars that really doesn't need to be there. She should know it better than I do... right?

Well, maybe that's the way it SHOULD be and everyone else who doesn't live like they do is not loved by God.

Or maybe being a paster and going to church every Sunday is to redeem for the sin that they live in? Please excuse my personal critical comments. It's my damn blog after all!

Some say that the Earth itself consists both heaven and hell. Heaven being places where the society is advanced and where people live a good life. Hell being the so-called "third world" full of starvation and violence and disease. Well, to me, heaven or hell are in people's hearts. Those who care to educate themselves and be appreciative are in heaven. Those who choose to be ignorant and always putting blames on others live in hell. So it's up to you to choose how you live, the heaven or hell way. What's your pick?

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